Thursday, September 5, 2013

Here's Why You Shouldn't Watch Riddick

This promotional image, which is not intended to be ironic, is downloadable as desktop wallpaper from some website somewhere.  It has a hashtag on it in case you want to tweet something like "the latest #Riddick movie is really sexist and homophobic."
There are quite a few things about this movie that are forgivably bad, if you don't walk into the theater expecting much, but here's why you shouldn't pay a single solitary dime to watch Riddick, directed by David Twohy and starring Vin Diesel, who also has a producer credit.

Once again, Diesel's Riddick finds himself on a heavily art-directed alien planet with venomous space-beasts and ominous weather and difficult topography and so on.  He activates a sort of beacon-y thing and some mercenaries come and try to kill him.  All of them are men.

All except one.

She is a lesbian.

She is every douchey frat bro's fantasy of a really butch lesbian.

At the end of the movie, Riddick has sex with her.  Mercifully, this takes place offscreen, but he has sex with her.

Because you see, she was only a lesbian because she hadn't found a real man.

Fuck you, David Twohy.  Fuck you, Vin Diesel.  Fuck.  You.