Saturday, April 13, 2013

Evil Dead

This is not an image from Evil Dead, but rather a picture I found by typing "tropical beach" into Google Images.  I do not recommend viewing any part of Evil Dead.  Seriously.  Stay home and do something you enjoy.  Bake some cookies.  Play with your cat.  Go for a nice walk.  Anything but watch this appalling shit-show of a movie.  Fuck.

I like horror movies.  I do.  But this one... I'd pass if I were you.

So five young people who look like models from a JC Penney catalog go to a cabin (in the woods!) and all of them die except one or two.  I can't let you in on the exact number of survivors, not only because that would be a spoiler, but also because my boyfriend and I walked out after about an hour.

Anyway, as in Sam Raimi's original, a book bound in human flesh and written in blood summons an ancient evil.  There are one or two half-assed attempts to suggest that our intrepid, generic young Barbie and Ken dolls have personalities and back-stories (one of them is even a stoner), but these are abandoned pretty quickly in favor of a descent into nonstop, joyless torture-porn.